Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome, Designers: Purpose and Outlines

Hello everyone! Welcome to the design blog for our graduation announcement. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS everyone! For making it all the way through. Yay! I can't believe it's been 4 years. Anyway, straight to business...

I guess I'll use this first post to outline some things that we may want to address and discuss.

First of all: what is a graduation announcement? Kim put it very well.

Ohhhh or is the thing where you merely announce your graduation in hopes that they'll give you money? But you're not actually inviting them to the graduation?
So there it is. It's a pretty piece of paper you mail to relatives that you may or may not have met to ask for money. Cait and I thought it'd be a fun project. Cal Student Store is selling them at 10 for $19.99 with a more than likely limit on how much you must purchase. That's pretty much a rip off for what it actually is. Anyway, we want to use this blog as a forum to discuss the following:

- What does a graduation announcement contain? That is, both content and material (paper, envelope, cellophane????? RIBBON???? MAYBE??)
- <3 <3 <3 pretty paper
- So speaking of paper... we need to figure out where we can find papers and what the average cost is. And how much we need. However we would probably need to physically visit a store to touch the paper.
- Some online inspiration... other people's announcement? Wedding invitation? Or in general good mailing material design?
- Appropriate fonts. Let's share those good free font sites!
- Printing method. Our own inkjet/laser printer? Kinko's? Printing company?
- Should we use store-bought envelope or should we make our own? I have these envelope stencils so it's very easy!

Keep the ideas flowing! Design on!!


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